Thursday, February 17, 2011

Turning Point

As an artist when does one reach a turning point? what are turning points? & are they necessary?
As an artist I feel we have many, as we`s one for you....Me blogging..
When does an artist know when to make the changes necessary for growth? to accept a turning point. For me as a Christ follower I rely on my faith, which gives me strength, direction, wisdom, hope & peace. I have so many dreams, ideas & so little time, 

How does our art affect the world? step back & look at what you've accomplished..Now !!
I truly believe our hearts direct these paths, help us through the turning points.
We have to find that inner peace to be productive, we have to search deep inside, & have the courage to face the turning points when they arrive. Turning points are needed for us to 
develop, mature & evolve into the great artists we want so deeply to become.
They are blessings, we reach them when we feel like giving up, when we think we have nothing to give, they are provided for a reason. Turning points take us from the depths of depression, another subject for another day...  So, enjoy turning points, enjoy Gods gifts to you, & never give up !!
My first blog ..Matthew James John